What conditions can be treated by Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM)? The answer is simple and complex at the same time. TL;DR all of them. Simple.
Yet, TCVM may not always be the best option. In some cases, western medicine may be the answer. In other cases, it is better to use TCVM to augment western medicine. And in even more cases, TCVM can be far superior to western medicine. It really depends on the case.
To begin with, let’s use some generalities. Most (not all) acute illnesses are better treated with western medicine. Western medicine is fast and effective for treating broken bones, trauma/injury, bacterial infections, some fungal infections, some viral infections, toxicosis, gastrointestinal disease due to parasitosis or dietary indiscretion, acute respiratory infections, acute allergic reactions, among many, many others. If my dog cuts his foot and needs sutures. Sedation/anesthesia, closing the wound, appropriate antibiotics and pain relief are the answers.

There are conditions where it is better to use western medicine and augment with TCVM. Examples include autoimmune disease, seizures, cancer, heart failure, Type I diabetes, tendon ligament tears, among others. If my pet has cancer, sometimes surgery can cure that cancer, sometimes chemotherapy can significantly prolong the life of the pet. In that case, we can use TCVM to support the body while the cancer is being treated resulting in improved outcomes of therapy and a happier, healthier pet through the process.
TCVM can be used as preventative care, but so can western. They take different approaches, however. Western vaccines, for example, are much better at preventing certain infectious diseases, rather than boosting an immune system to (hopefully) prevent the disease from harming the pet which is a TCVM approach. There is benefit to the TCVM approach, but a higher risk of illness and even death.
However, preventative care can greatly benefit pets. I like to start seeing pets for TCVM when they are young. Because a pet that has more effective individualized nutrition and a good preventative health plan, can postpone and sometimes eliminate disease.
If my dachshund is prone to Intervertebral disc disease, wouldn’t it be better to keep those vertebral discs as elastic and flexible as possible? Because the dry brittle disc is more likely to rupture. I can attempt to prevent that through herbs, acupuncture and food therapy. So, preventative care in a pet should pick the best of western therapies integrated with TCVM balancing properties.
TCVM is best used for chronic disease cases. Those cases young or old, where pharmaceuticals are depended on to maintain a good quality of life, and side effects are common.

What chronic diseases can be treated by TCVM? All of them, from allergies to cancer. From anxiety to kidney failure. From arthritis to Cushing’s disease. Some of my most frustrating cases are when I see a dog that has been on medication for pain for years; when the first medication failed, more is added, and so on, and so on…. It can be amazing to watch an older pet that parents will say “they are just slowing down”, start to play, and be joyful again. These dogs have severe imbalances, and when appropriately identified and corrected, can make an astonishing difference in their physical, mental and emotional health.
TCVM is also an excellent resource for palliative care. When a patient is terminal, sometimes we can harness enough Qi, or energy, to have our pet live out the remainder of his/her life in comfort and peace. In some cases (not all), just palliative care with herbs, acupuncture and food therapy have given pets a renewed lease (albeit, short term) on life. Our goal in these cases is to prolong health, not just prolong life.

I simply cannot list all the situations where TCVM has benefitted pets’ lives. If you think that your pet’s physical, mental, and emotional life could be better. TCVM can benefit. If you think your dog is healthy but may have had past illness or disease that you want to prevent. TCVM can help.
Young or old, healthy or ill, large or small…Our goal is to help you help your pets have joyful, better, healthier lives. Sometimes, that involves western diagnostics and therapies; sometimes, that involves TCVM; sometimes both. No matter which, we are uniquely qualified in both to help.
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